How Craft Beer Came to the Bucks County Playhouse

How did the Bucks County Playhouse get those stylish draft beer towers? Learn the real story about how Cabaret Design Group and Micro Matic teamed-up to design the bar known…

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Bowling Alley Bar Design for Illinois’ Largest Bowling Center

BOWLING ALLEY BAR DESIGN FOR STARDUST BOWL Cabaret Design Group announced the recent completion of a bowling alley bar design for a Chicago area bowling alley. Stardust Bowl, which owns…

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Non-Alcohol Bar Design for Algerian Restaurant

NON-ALCOHOL BAR DESIGN FOR ALGIERIAN RESTAURANT Cabaret Design Group announced the completion of a non-alcohol bar for an Algerian restaurant. The restaurant, called “Le Paradou,” will specialize in fine dining.…

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ADA Lawsuits: Drive-By Lawsuits Against Restaurants & Bars

What are an ADA drive-by lawsuits? Learn why grandfathering is no longer effective and how to avoid frivolous lawsuits.   Does the world seem to be getting more and more…

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Bar Design for X-Golf Indoor Golf Course in San Antonio

BAR DESIGN FOR X-GOLF IN SAN ANTONIO Cabaret Design Group is proud to announce the completion of a bar design for X-Golf indoor golf course in San Antonio, in San…

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