How do you design a rolling library ladder for a commercial bar? Learn the secret to implementing a rolling library ladder for rum bars and whiskey bars.
How do you design a rolling library ladder for a commercial bar? Learn the secret to implementing a rolling library ladder for rum bars and whiskey bars.
How do you design and build a DIY LED backlit bar? Do it yourself enthusiasts can discover the bar plans of how to build an LED bar and how much LED bars cost.
When it comes to DIY bar design, what are the best methods to store bar glassware? Discover the top 6 bar equipment solutions for glassware storage for DIY commercial bar design.
What’s the trick to small bar design? In this article I’ll discuss ideas and tips and the minimum equipment requirements. WHO NEEDS THEM? Not everyone has the ideal amount of space for a three-station bar. These are the likely candidates: Fine dining restaurants, because their mission is maximizing the number of tables. Private clubs. Smaller…
Are you planning a bar? Learn the relationship between bar area and IBC occupant load in commercial bar design. Discover how bar size and occupancy load correlate and how to size a commercial bar. PLANNING A BAR DESIGN – WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BAR AREA AND PATRON CAPACITY? If you are about to embark on planning a bar, these… How can bar speed rails be so critical to bar profits? Today I’ll demonstrate how proper equipment selection impacts bar profitability. WHY BAR SPEED RAILS IMPACT BAR PROFITS Most bars that serve alcohol have under bar equipment that includes speed rails. Many bar owners don’t understand how improper application impacts profitability. For those unaware, a speed rail is… What is the best location for draft beer towers – the front bar or back bar? Learn how ergonomics affects efficiency and maximum profits. BEST DRAFT BEER TOWER LOCATION – FRONT BAR OR BACK BAR? Just as with the POS terminal, draft beer should logically be set-up along the front bar. In addition to the inherent efficiency of this… Learn how ergonomics plays into bartender efficiency and maximum bar profits. BEST POS TERMINAL LOCATION FOR BARS – BACK BAR OR FRONT BAR? Nowadays it’s difficult to imagine operating a hotel, restaurant or bar without a POS terminal. After all, without POS terminals, how can owners understand their accounting and inventories? For bar owners…
Why do so many bar owners have trouble with their draft beer systems? Learn the #1 secret of maintaining draft beer systems and increasing bar owner profits.
How do you design an L-shaped bar?
Commercial bar design guidelines dictate that bar gate location depends on the handling and cleaning of bar glassware.
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